站長評比Gender on the Edge:Transgender, Gay, and Other Pacific Islanders當紅分享
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好看的社會科學站長評比Gender on the Edge:Transgender, Gay, and Other Pacific Islanders當紅分享全書的內容大意
站長評比Gender on the Edge:Transgender, Gay, and Other Pacific Islanders當紅分享曾在博客來 網路書店造成搶購熱潮。
內容簡介: 博客來網路書局 Transgender identities and other forms of gender and sexuality that transcend the normative pose important questions about society, culture, politics, and history. They force us to question, for example, the forces that divide humanity into two gender categories and render them necessary, inevitable, and natural. The transgender also exposes a host of dynamics that, at first glance, have little to do with gender or sex, such as processes of power and domination; the complex relationship among agency, subjectivity, and structure; and the mutual constitution of the global and the local.
Particularly intriguing is the fact that gender and sexual diversity appear to be more prevalent in some regions of the world than in others. This edited volume is an exploration of the ways in which non-normative gendering and sexuality in one such region, the Pacific Islands, are implicated in a wide range of socio-cultural dynamics that are at once local and global, historical and contemporary. The authors recognize that different social configurations, cultural contexts, and historical trajectories generate diverse ways of being transgender across the societies of the region, but they also acknowledge that these differences are overlaid with commonalities and predictabilities. Rather than focus on the definition of identities, they engage with the fact that identities do things, that they are performed in everyday life, that they are transformed through events and movements, and that they are constantly negotiated. By addressing the complexities of these questions over time and space, this work provides a model for future endeavors that seek to embed dynamics of gender and sexuality in a broad field of theoretical import.
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- 新功能介紹 作者: Niko Besnier, Kalissa Alexeyeff
- 出版社:香港大學出版社 新功能介紹
- 出版日期:2014/07/31
- 語言:英文
站長評比Gender on the Edge:Transgender, Gay, and Other Pacific Islanders當紅分享
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雅虎科技新聞: 藍牙滑鼠斷線糗死人?Lexma B600R 「無線+藍牙」 即時切換 工作一把罩
在台灣對滑鼠很有研究的人之中,大部分都是遊戲的玩家,這些朋友推薦滑鼠時,會細心比較滑鼠的手感,比較 dpi 、按鍵連擊時的觸感等等。這些都是對的——但是這些都是以玩家的角度來評選時會看的項目——不是在幫工作者挑選滑鼠!對於既不打塔防,也不需要去別人的礦區點工兵的人來說,高速連擊、高 dpi 都是次要,真的買了反而會有花大錢買了牛刀來殺雞的感覺。可惜這種情況可能很多人都遇過,最後就在別人的推薦下買了超出自己預算的滑鼠,但是卻仍然用得不順......!
-- 有良心才能寫出好文章!加入神奇裘莉粉絲團,看更多精彩分析吧! https://www.facebook.com/MagicJulie.TW/ --
LEXMA B600R 是一支搭載了藍光科技的滑鼠。運用兩段折射的原理,精準地控制了游標移動的位置,所以能夠克服更多不同表面,讓滑鼠在大部分的環境都能正常使用。從玻璃到金屬,幾乎沒有他不能用的表面。這對於需要常去自己辦公室以外的地方使用滑鼠的人來說,就像是吃了一顆定心丸。
另一個 LEXMA B600R 和其他滑鼠不同的設計是他搭載了兩種無線傳輸系統。從藍牙到 2.4G 傳輸,雙軌齊下,確保任何情況下都能讓電腦跟滑鼠安全連上線。想要浪漫一下去咖啡廳做作業,卻忘了帶無線滑鼠的傳輸器,結果喝一杯咖啡就摸摸鼻子回家,實在是一點都不浪漫。LEXMA B600R 的無線傳輸 USB 可以安置在滑鼠底座,但是如果已經這麼方便了,還是忘了帶的話......只要切換到藍牙,還是能立刻連線、正常使用!
如果是單純的藍牙滑鼠,勢必就是重開機才能解決。不過如果正在會議中,正在展示投影片給客戶看,那這臉就丟大啦!!! LEXMA B600R 的兩種無線傳輸系統就是為了讓使用者在「任一個傳輸方式掛掉時,總還有 B 計畫立刻切換」而設計的,有了備案,就再也不用慌張啦!
說到最近的滑鼠,壞掉的速度實在讓人印象深刻......怎麼都跟說好的一樣,只要一過保就掰掰呢?不過 LEXMA 藍牙滑鼠 B600R 是一支保固超長的三年保滑鼠!只要你還住在台灣,買了 LEXMA B600R,就能在三年內永久享受到府收送的超體貼保固。
不過神奇裘莉覺得 LEXMA 其實可以好人做到底,目前的 LEXMA B600R 到府收送服務,在滑鼠維修期間並沒有再多給一支替換滑鼠,雖然其他的滑鼠廠商也都清一色是這個樣子,但是 LEXMA 既然在滑鼠保固上已經這麼下功夫地撒必斯三年保固了,再多體貼消費者一點,弄個「整新品」立即替換的話,就真的無可挑剔了呢!
既然這篇是滑鼠業配文,當然要給大家方便的連結啦!想要購買 LEXMA B600R 的人聽清楚了,這支雙重傳輸系統的無線滑鼠,售價只要僅僅 799 元!推出了黑白雙色,還有快速滾輪,方便在長長的 Excel 表格中前後查找文章不費力。而且不論使用蘋果作業系統還是 Windows 都可以插上即用!想要的快點下面的超連結吧~
這裏可以買喔: LEXMA B600R 無線2.4G藍牙滑鼠(二色)
Source: 藍牙滑鼠斷線糗死人?Lexma B600R 「無線+藍牙」 即時切換 工作一把罩
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站長評比Gender on the Edge:Transgender, Gay, and Other Pacific Islanders當紅分享