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內容簡介: 博客來網路書局博客來書店American women have lived in Hong Kong, and in neighboring Macao, for nearly two centuries. Many were changed by their encounter with Chinese life and British colonialism. Their openness to new experiences set them apart both individually and as a group. Equally, a certain 'pedagogical impulse' gave them a reputation for outspokenness that sometimes troubled those around them. Drawing on memoirs, diaries, newspapers, film, and other texts, Stacilee Ford tells the stories of several American women and explores how, through dramatically changing times, they communicated their notions of national identity and gender. Troubling American Women is a lively and provocative study of cross-cultural encounters, shedding light on the connections between the histories of Hong Kong and the US, on the impact of Americanization in Hong Kong, and on the ways in which Hong Kong people used stereotypes of American womanhood in popular culture.

Troubling American Women will appeal to students and scholars in history, gender and cultural studies and to all readers with an interest in the encounter between China and the West.

作者簡介博客來網路書店博客來Stacilee Ford

Stacilee Ford has lived in Hong Kong for 18 years. She teaches history and American studies at the University of Hong Kong and is the author of Mabel Cheung Yuen-Ting's An Autumn’s Tale.





  • 出版社:香港大學出版社    新功能介紹
  • 出版日期:2011/04/01
  • 語言:英文

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雖然有點像 iOS 9,不過 Google 想讓 Android App 也能感應環境

Google I/O 接近尾聲,許多沒在第一天就公開的細部方案也陸續出爐,例如與 Levi’s 合作的智慧夾克。而雖然去年 iOS 9 也推出過相似的功能,不過,Google 還是決定為 Andorid 釋出新的 API,讓新的 Android App 可以「適應環境」,根據用戶在特定時刻、特定地點的需要自動出現。

Google 為此給出許多實際例子,例如音樂 App 能夠在用戶插入耳機時自動跳出,甚至切換到特定的播放清單;天氣 App 可以在用戶使用 Chromecast 時,在電視上自動跳出並顯示明天天氣預報;跑步 App 可以在用戶經過常去的操場時現身,甚至在用戶忘記要設定運動時程的時候。

Google 也特別舉出相機作為例子。當用戶來到著名的景點,相機 App 將能夠自動出現,提醒用戶現在是該拍照的時候。有趣的是,因為這批背景偵測 API 也能夠應用到照片上,因此用戶日後可以透過很細膩的方式查找照片,例如輸入「我在陰天拍攝的照片」。

值得注意的是,這款 API 並非只針對 Android 手機,而是也包含支援 Android 的各種硬體裝置,例如 Chromecast,Android Wear,Android TV,或是即將推出的 Google Now 家庭助理,因此用戶可以在週末晚間,發現 Android TV 已經準備好常看的影集。此外,過往這些功能都需要在背景默默偵測,以確認用戶的狀態,因此非常佔用系統資源,不過 Google 表示這些 API 都已經經過優化,不會太消耗記憶體或手機電量。

然而,其實已經有不少 App 擁有類似的功能,例如插入耳機後 App 自動跳出,早已是 Spotify 的標準功能,Runkeepr 也可以自動奉上當下的天氣資訊,讓用戶充作標籤,不過由於這些功能都是 App 開發者自行加入,因此 Google 還是希望可以讓這種方便的功能,可以有系統等級的支援。

目前,這批 API 仍未開放,不過有興趣的開發者可以到網站上登記,取得開發者預覽版的優先權。

Android apps can now react to your environment
Android apps will open automatically based on your surroundings and accessories

看更多 科技新報 的相關文章:
Levi’s 與 Google 合作,推出旗下首款智慧夾克






















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